Archive | January 2012

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Another field trip!

Week two of my 5 months here is already picking up the pace over last week. When time starts passing even faster, before I know it I will be back in NC. I know this will happen anyways, but I seriously cannot imagine how time is going to fly once I have a real class […]

Cardiff, class and the Gower Peninsula

My first week in Wales has gone very well so far, with my major mishap being that I blew out my computer’s AC adapter charger thing a few days ago and just got my replacement. That set me back a few days later than I had planned for writing again, but now my computer works […]

Getting excited…

Hello everyone! Tomorrow is the big day. I can’t believe it’s already here – I have been talking about going to Wales for months and months. And I have been looking forward to studying abroad for ages, thanks to my grandmother who always told me: “You need to study abroad in England during the second […]