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The Centre for Alternative Technology

I befriended one of my engineering professors within the first few weeks of school. His class is all about renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, hydro, etc) and I am one of 9 students. And being the only exchange student I stood out like a sore thumb. But that is okay with me, the class is easy and the information is interesting (thankfully I learned everything we have done thus far at State so I don’t have to study at all..we shall see if I speak so highly of this in May when I have an exam to cram for). Anyways, this professor was so kind to take me and one of my roommates, Emily, on a trip last Saturday up to mid-Wales to tour the Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales’ premier place for alternative and renewable energy research and education. We drove through several hours of beautifully scenic Wales, stopping for coffee and scones on the way there and fish and chips on the way back.  A very British day.  CAT was the coolest place – it started as a hippie village-type thing and evolved into an education center for everything from organic gardening to solar PV systems to green architecture and everything in-between.


Okay well I’ll just attach some pictures of this place for my dad and uncle and anyone else who cares to see, and get back to the paper I am procrastinating on writing (seriously this is the second assignment I have had since I got here and my work ethic has disappeared. I am slightly terrified to go back to State in the fall after this luxurious vacation). I am leaving early Thursday morning for London where I am catching a flight to Dusseldorf, Germany where I will finally see my long-lost sister Martha after being apart since August! I am so excited!! And thus will begin the month-long period of time in which Pressly becomes a stranger to Swansea: I am going to Germany, Poland, London, Ireland, and Croatia all within the span of one month. Toss in a few friends visiting the UK for their spring breaks and now you know my life. I think I’ll squeeze in a few days of school here and there, but I’m pretty sure those days will be numbered on one hand. Haha…Okay yes, I just counted: 5 days between now and March 26th. Possibly 6. But no more than that. I have the best schedule imaginable, I get most everything out of the way on Mondays, 5 hrs of classes. And I’m even considered a full-time student, believe it or not.

Alright, this is getting ridiculous, I don’t mean to brag. Please forgive me.

Next post will be all about Martha and her host family!


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