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London with old friends

At 3 am on Thursday morning Kendall and I took a train from Swansea to London, so that she could return home and I could see some more familiar folks. Rebecca Batchelor, an old friend from high school, was also on spring break and visiting a friend in London. I met up with her early that morning when I arrived and did some sight-seeing with Rebecca and her 2 friends from UNC.   It was so good to see her and catch up on life. I really enjoyed spending my first weekend seeing London with people from home.  Thursday evening Rebecca and her friends dropped me off at my hostel, and I sat down to wait.  A bit later another good friend of mine, Briana Falduti, arrived! Sadly, Briana and Rebecca missed each other by an hour or so because it was late at night and the tube stops running. Briana is studying in Prague this semester and so we made this be our first reunion. I will see Briana again in Prague over spring break!  We did tons of stuff and had a blast. Between days with Rebecca and with Briana I think I saw most of the big touristy things of London: the changing of the guard (accidentally came across this), London Eye (in daytime and at night), British museum, Trafalger Square, Westminster Abbey (from the outside), Camden Markets, Borough market (my favorite place in London thusfar, as it was a farmers market slash local prepared foods haven of deliciousness and tons of choices), lots of wandering around. Went to Hillsong Church Sunday morning. It met in the theater that Wicked performs in. One of the most diverse churches I have ever seen. They were having a praise-and-worship all-music service and it was so great! I have had a hard time finding a church in Swansea, between the lack of religion in the UK and my frequent Sunday travels. I had a great time in London, and am definitely forgetting several of the things I did at this point.

I leave for London again on Saturday to stay a few days at the beginning of my spring break with my housemate Max’s family. It will be cool to experience London with a Londoner.

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