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The first in my marathon of posts

Here’s the beginning of the many posts you’ve all been waiting for…okay well actually I know my Dad is waiting for it anxiously so I will just assume the rest of you are too!

I have done so much in the past month (hence my excuse for having no posts – I have had ZERO time to write them) and want to knock all the events out asap otherwise never ever finish. Spring break starts next week and events will pile up past recovery. I will keep all of them short and sweet and with lots of pictures!


A month ago I was en route to Martha: early morning taxi, then coach to the airport, and then plane ride to Germany constituted that entire Thursday. After a minor 2-hr mishap in communication between me and Martha, she finally discovered me sitting in the airport in a panic over what to do if she never showed up. I burst into tears of relief upon her arrival and we immediately started fighting. Not much changes despite 6 months of separation between sisters, I guess. Stayed at Martha’s host family’s home in a cute little village for the weekend and had a wonderful time. Her family was so sweet to me and spoke in English most of the time I was there (thank goodness..I only know how to say ‘thank you’ in German). I got to see her village, the town where she goes to school, and the nearest city all in my short visit. Martha loves being there so much, I can tell, and she is going to have a rough readjustment to American culture I think. It’s so crazy to see how 6 months changed her (all the way down to how she holds her silverware differently now). On Sunday I returned to Swansea, another long travel day in which I arrived home at 2 am. I have become quite good at surviving on little sleep. However, I seriously doubt this new skill will transfer back to study time in the library in late hours back at State. I’m still pretty worthless at schoolwork after about 11 pm. It was great to see Martha and her new life, and I hope I can see her again next week when we are both in London!

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