
All across Ireland

I returned home to Swansea from London Sunday evening, after bidding Briana a temporary goodbye (I will see her in Prague in less than a month). Class all day Monday, once again. Monday is the only day of school I refuse to miss. Any other day, if I have the opportunity, I am going somewhere! […]

London with old friends

At 3 am on Thursday morning Kendall and I took a train from Swansea to London, so that she could return home and I could see some more familiar folks. Rebecca Batchelor, an old friend from high school, was also on spring break and visiting a friend in London. I met up with her early […]

Spring Break in the States

#3: VISITORS Devin, Rachel, Lauren, and I arrived home from Poland at 2 am on Sunday night. Being crazy, I stayed up until 5 am Skyping with people back home and then took a short nap before waking for class at 7:30. I have class from 9 – 4 on Mondays and so I was […]

Pressly loves Poland

#2: POLAND 50 hrs after returning from Germany (and one 6-page paper later) I was en route once more to mainland Europe, but this time to Krakow, Poland!!! I made this trip with three of my American friends at Swansea: Devin, Rachel, and Lauren. A month of experiences later, Krakow is still the favorite trip […]

The first in my marathon of posts

Here’s the beginning of the many posts you’ve all been waiting for…okay well actually I know my Dad is waiting for it anxiously so I will just assume the rest of you are too! I have done so much in the past month (hence my excuse for having no posts – I have had ZERO […]

The Centre for Alternative Technology

The Centre for Alternative Technology

I befriended one of my engineering professors within the first few weeks of school. His class is all about renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, hydro, etc) and I am one of 9 students. And being the only exchange student I stood out like a sore thumb. But that is okay with me, the class is […]

“An Exotic Animal in a Cage”

This title is how my uncle Fred described Stonehenge when I emailed him telling him I went to see the infamous stone circle. And I think the description fits the place perfectly.  Last Saturday I took a day trip to see Stonehenge and Avebury (a similar place near Stonehenge in England with another neolithic henge). […]

All Settled

I have been in Wales for nearly four weeks – time is flying by SO fast I can hardly believe it.  This past week was so crazy busy, I apologize for not posting again sooner.  But between starting our first week of classes last week (a nightmare I will describe momentarily), writing a 2500-word paper […]

Another field trip!

Week two of my 5 months here is already picking up the pace over last week. When time starts passing even faster, before I know it I will be back in NC. I know this will happen anyways, but I seriously cannot imagine how time is going to fly once I have a real class […]

Cardiff, class and the Gower Peninsula

My first week in Wales has gone very well so far, with my major mishap being that I blew out my computer’s AC adapter charger thing a few days ago and just got my replacement. That set me back a few days later than I had planned for writing again, but now my computer works […]